Friday, 22 May 2009

Its that Time of Year again!

I was woken a little abruptly at the crack of dawn this morning when I heard this irritating and constant clucking coming from outside my bedroom windowsill. You can't turn your head for they're at it everywhere lately. I couldn't help but laugh the other evening whilst walking along the prom, a mother in her 80's cries out in disgust 'goodness gracious' to her daughter next to her pointing at the mating pair on top of a car outside the Hydro. It won't be long before the little sprogs start appearing on rooftops across the town posing a danger to innocent passers by, whatever happened to controlled culling.


  1. The female doesn't look too impressed.

  2. Who said it was a female?

  3. There won't be many eggs on that roof then!

  4. ...and they say there's nothing to do in Llandudno!
